How to Get Here

Get to Sainte-Maxime by car

Easily reach Sainte-Maxime by road from :

 Exit 36 Le Muy from A8 (24 km)
 RD 25 from Toulon / La Môle
 RD 559 from Fréjus (24 km)

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Get here by train

2 train stations with easy access to Sainte-Maxime :

 From the train station in Saint-Raphaël (24 km)
Information & booking on or at : 36 35 - 7 days a week from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm (0,40 € TTC/mn)
Coach connections autocars VARLIB to Sainte-Maxime.

 From the train station Les Arcs-Draguignan (24 km)
Information & booking on or at : 36 35 - 7 days a week from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm (0,40 € TTC/mn)
Coach connections autocars VARLIB to Sainte-Maxime.

Get detailed bus schedule information :

Get here by plane

Sainte-Maxime is served by daily scheduled flights from the following cities :

 International Airport La Môle-Saint-Tropez 20 km
 International Airport Toulon-Hyères 55 km
 International Airport Nice Côte-d’Azur 90 km
 Airport Marseille Provence 145 km

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Get here by boat

To facilitate your travels, companies propose you regular shuttles between Sainte-Maxime and Saint-Tropez :

 Les Bateaux Verts offer shuttles that connect Sainte-Maxime to Saint-Tropez in 15 minutes.
> More information <